Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Criminal Idea's

The thing about crime is, it something can't be stop. People like to think that we can create a peaceful place where everyone is safe and equal. But that is impossible for humans to do. The idea of stopping crime is as possible as finding Freddy Krueger under your bed.
Complete impossible since causing chaos is something people like to do. Its in our nature, and inner violence is supported and show through shows and movies. Look at all the horror movies that had come out just in the past year. We as humans love watching others get tortured and chased down and then cut up into pieces by a psychopath. I'm not saying everyone that saw Scream is going to go out and murder people, and I'm not saying its the media's fault that there is crime in the world. Everyone wants a scapegoat to blame, that one thing that we can say is the fault behind crime. Poverty, genetics and media, these are NOT causes of crime. They are simply scapegoats. If we blamed one of these three things on every bad thing that happened, then what caused the war with Irag? Genetics? or Poverty?
People just don't want to face the facts that being violent and causing chaos is in each and everyone of us. Situations and choices simply arise in life, crime just comes from those who make a choice, that's all it is, a choice.

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