Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinment

Well I for one don't really agree with the idea of solitary confinement, I mean I could understand it as a form of punishment that lasts 20 to 30 days. But putting people in a small cell all by themselves for years is ridiculous, a form of torture that shouldn't be around. If I could I use make a time limit to how long someone can be put in solitary confinement. And the only way a prisoner could end up in solitary confinement is if they kill someone for attack another.
I know I wouldn't be giving Prison Officials a 'free hand' in running a prison. They don't always treat the prisoners correctly or fairly. I know their criminals, but they are still human and should not be treated so cruelly. I wouldn't defiantly not allow them to give prisoners years in solitary confinement. If someone was put in solitary confinement, paper work would need to be filled out and sent to the court officials and keep a record of it. And then after a month the prisoner would have to be let out of confinement. And if a prisoner is mistreated or placed in confinement longer then is allowed, they would be allow to say so in a court room. The idea of putting someone along in a room for years on end is completely wrong and should not be allowed. Yes there are dangerous people in prison however they don't need to be put in solitary confinement if they talked back or started a fight. But then again I've never been to a prison to I don't know what its really like, lets just hope I never have to find out.

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