Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinment

Well I for one don't really agree with the idea of solitary confinement, I mean I could understand it as a form of punishment that lasts 20 to 30 days. But putting people in a small cell all by themselves for years is ridiculous, a form of torture that shouldn't be around. If I could I use make a time limit to how long someone can be put in solitary confinement. And the only way a prisoner could end up in solitary confinement is if they kill someone for attack another.
I know I wouldn't be giving Prison Officials a 'free hand' in running a prison. They don't always treat the prisoners correctly or fairly. I know their criminals, but they are still human and should not be treated so cruelly. I wouldn't defiantly not allow them to give prisoners years in solitary confinement. If someone was put in solitary confinement, paper work would need to be filled out and sent to the court officials and keep a record of it. And then after a month the prisoner would have to be let out of confinement. And if a prisoner is mistreated or placed in confinement longer then is allowed, they would be allow to say so in a court room. The idea of putting someone along in a room for years on end is completely wrong and should not be allowed. Yes there are dangerous people in prison however they don't need to be put in solitary confinement if they talked back or started a fight. But then again I've never been to a prison to I don't know what its really like, lets just hope I never have to find out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Will Gangs ever end? Absolutely not. They'll stay around for as long as the human race does. Gangs are a form of brotherhood, a form of bond between people. True they can be violent and cruel, but in truth, they are just trying to survive in a society that puts them down. Many of those people who are in gangs came from poverty and had nothing in their life. Can we really blame them for trying to make a better life? Yes their methods aren't the most honorably and are very hurtful, but really they are just trying to survive. There have been different forms of gangs through out history, bandits, pirates and now street gangs. People who were rejected from society and are trying to make a living. Talk about survival of the fittest, and their surviving. And I very much doubt anything will ever stop them from taking things they want.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Insanity Plea.

Using the whole not guilty by reason of insanity should not exist. Guilty by reason of insanity makes much for sense. People should not be able to get off of their crimes simply for the fact they didn't know right from wrong. It doesn't change the fact the they still did it. Parents yell at their children and punish them when they do something wrong and yet the child didn't know any better. Either they should get sent to a high security psyche ward, or by put to death if they murdered one or multiple people. Insane or not, these people should be punished for their crimes, even if they didn't realize it was wrong.
When it comes to the Andrea Yates case, I 100% believe the woman should have been put to death. I've read about plenty of people who have been put to death for murder, some of them serial killers. By definition this woman is a serial killer. She murdered her five children for god sake, not to mention she planned it for over two years. Yes, her mind was deteriorating, and the whole fanatic priest didn't really help by telling her she was a horrible mother and her kids would rot in hell. But she choose to stop taking her anti psychotic meds, thanks to her stupid husband who wanted to have another child even have a professional psychologist said that she wouldn't be able to handle it. HELLO!!! The woman had been seeing shrinks repeatedly over the years, you think someone should have stopped and thought "Hey, maybe she shouldn't be around her kids, or have any more,". Talk about idiots who have no brain in their skull. And the fact this woman is free to walk round is not right, who's to say she won't kill some other kids she thinks are evil? Once a killer, always a killer, No matter the excuse.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Criminal Idea's

The thing about crime is, it something can't be stop. People like to think that we can create a peaceful place where everyone is safe and equal. But that is impossible for humans to do. The idea of stopping crime is as possible as finding Freddy Krueger under your bed.
Complete impossible since causing chaos is something people like to do. Its in our nature, and inner violence is supported and show through shows and movies. Look at all the horror movies that had come out just in the past year. We as humans love watching others get tortured and chased down and then cut up into pieces by a psychopath. I'm not saying everyone that saw Scream is going to go out and murder people, and I'm not saying its the media's fault that there is crime in the world. Everyone wants a scapegoat to blame, that one thing that we can say is the fault behind crime. Poverty, genetics and media, these are NOT causes of crime. They are simply scapegoats. If we blamed one of these three things on every bad thing that happened, then what caused the war with Irag? Genetics? or Poverty?
People just don't want to face the facts that being violent and causing chaos is in each and everyone of us. Situations and choices simply arise in life, crime just comes from those who make a choice, that's all it is, a choice.